Industrial Evaporative Cooling Systems, Industrial Products, Mobile Products, Cooling Pad, Circulation Fan, Exhaust Fan, ECOMASTER PLUS, ECOMASTER, COOLUXE, COOLEVO,

COOLUXE MINI, COOLIZER PLUS, COOLIZER MAXI, COOLIZER, Pre-cooling, Increased cooling capacity, Increased compressor life, Reduced energy consumption, Gross profit,

Exhaust Fan, Cooling Pad, Cooling PVC Pad frame, Greenhouse Cooling, Chicken Farm Cooling, Animal Farm Cooling, Circulation Fan, Ventilation

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Pre Cooling

Product Categories

Pre Cooling

Increase in Cooling Capacity

Every 1°C decrease in the air temperature entering the condenser provides a 1% increase in cooling capacity.
A 10°C difference provides a 10% increase in capacity.
Increase in cooling capacity.
Decrease in electricity consumption.
Increase in compressor life.

Increased Compressor Life

Operating the compressor at lower pressure extends the life of the compressor.

Decrease in Energy Consumption

Every 1°C decrease in air temperature entering the condenser provides a 2% decrease in energy consumption.
A 10°C difference provides 20% energy savings.
Decrease in electricity consumption.
Increase in compressor life.

Total Earnings

10°C Temperature Difference;
10% increase in capacity
19% saving in energy consumption
25% increase in COP.